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First go to bangkok, and talk to the monk, and then go to the kuil, and go to the down stair first. Kill all boss in thre. After that back to the monk, talk with him. And then go back to the kuil, and turn left and talk with with guard. and u ll go in to do next fight with another monster.
 Talk with him, for get new information in this quest. After that go to up stair.
 Talk with him, and u ll beat with first monster in this quest. Prepare ur food or ur lvl in this part until the last part.
 After u beat Importal Huan, u ll beat another guard. He is Importal earth.
 In this fight, u ll find dragon wnna beat you. And them have more hp.
 After that, u ll beat with Importal Sky. U hve to have a knight job in ur team, coz all the monster have seal skill. The knight ll defend you from their seal.
 In this stage, u ll beat with sky dragon. This is last part before u fight with MAHA. Take ur food, so u ll do this easyly, and dont forget to bring knight job in ur team.
Finally. u ll beat Maha. I think its ll be slowly, coz in this stage the monster have more hp than another monster in RB quest. After u kill MAHA u ll get a manteu. The manteu ll be usefull if u do reborn at lvl 180.


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